Orthopaedic Vet Surgery
From broken bones to fractures, our expert team has the skill required to help your furry friend get back on their feet.
Total Hip Replacement
Total hip replacement surgery could be the solution to restore their mobility and improve their quality of life.
Anterior Cruciate Ligament Tears occurs when there is a partial or complete tear to the ligament that connects the femur to the knee. This results in pain and immediate lameness.
MLP, or Medially Luxating Patella, is the condition where the kneecap moves out of place from within the knee – causing pain as it wears down on the cartilage.
Pelvic Fractures
This is one of the most common fractures, and often requires no surgery at all! We will examine your furry friend to determine the ideal treatment plan.
Limb Fractures
This refers to any break or fracture in the front or back legs of your pet. Where possible, we use a stainless-steel plate to aid the recovery process.
Hip Dislocation
This is most common after sudden, severe trauma such as a car accident, but can occur with less severe trauma where the hip joint is not normal, for example hip dysplasia.
Patella Tendon Tear
A patella tendon tear is disruption of the tendon between the patella (kneecap) and top of the tibia where the patella tendon attaches.
Anconeal Fractures
Anconeal fractures are fractures of the “hook” at the end of the ulna, that locks into the end of the humerus and helps keep the elbow stable.

Since childhood, Dr. Plummer has been passionate about caring for animals, and graduated with Honours in a Bachelor of Veterinary Science from the University of Queensland. He opened the Brisbane Pet Surgery with the aim of making quality pet care affordable for everyone.
About Scot Pricing PhilosophyFAQ's
Q. Will my pet be anaesthetised when you take an x-ray?
No! where possible, we prefer to keep your furry friend awake. This doesn’t impact on the quality of the information we receive from the x-ray, but it does greatly reduce the cost to you! In some cases, we don’t even require an x-ray for to make a diagnosis – we may be able to find the fracture or break through palpation alone.
Q. How long until my pet is back on their feet?
This will vary from pet to pet and is dependent on the fracture or break that they are suffering from. In general, it takes between two and four weeks to recover from a fracture, and four to six weeks following MLP or ACL surgery.
Q. Does my pet have to stay at the hospital overnight?
This will depend on the treatment they are receiving and the extent of their injury – but you’ll be happy to learn that we don’t charge any extra for overnight stays, which greatly reduces the cost to you!
Book A Consult
Does your furry friend need to meet with one of our experienced veterinarians? Book a consultation below or call our team today