Skin Masses Tumours In Dogs
Priced from $750 - $1,750

Skin Masses

What are skin masses?

This refers to any growth that occurs from within the skin. They range from small, benign masses such as a sebaceous gland adenomas (a tumour of the gland that is associated with the hair follicles of dogs) and histiocytomas (a benign growth that is commonly seen in young dogs) to extensive tumours such as soft tissue sarcomas (STS) or mast cell tumours (MCT).

Treatment options

Some skin masses, such as the sebaceous gland adenomas and histiocytomas, can simply be monitored rather than treated. However, tumours such as the STS and MST masses will need to be removed where possible as they continue to grow and spread. Early treatment will drastically increase the likelihood of a successful outcome with no effect to the length of your pet’s life. The longer they are left, the more difficult and costly they are to remove – and the greater the chances that they have spread.

Skin Tumours Surgery

Treatment methods

Where removal is occurring, surgical removal is the ideal choice. We often remove both the tumour and – where possible – 1cm or more of normal tissue beside and beneath the skin mass. This is sent away for histopathology to check to ensure it has been completely removed and what type of tumour it was. This can result in further choices, such as whether your pet should undertake chemotherapy.

Cost of treatment

At Brisbane Pet Surgery, the removal of a skin mass can be as little as $750 for a simple removal to $1,750 where extensive mass removals are required.

Optional pre-anaesthetic blood test available for all surgeries (additional cost)

Recovery and aftercare

Your pet will generally return home with you on the same day as their surgery. The care requirements are not onerous and will usually only involve ensuring your pet remains quieter than usual for a few days and not allowing them to lick at the surgery area.

Cleo, Beagle, 10 Years old


Hugo, Staffy, 5 Years old


Lexi, Shar Pei , 5 Years old

Scot Plummer
Meet Dr. Scot Plummer

Since childhood, Dr. Plummer has been passionate about caring for animals, and graduated with Honours in a Bachelor of Veterinary Science from the University of Queensland. He opened the Brisbane Pet Surgery with the aim of making quality pet care affordable for everyone.

About Scot Pricing Philosophy

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